It’s become a tradition for me to draw custom holiday cards for my loved ones. These are three of my favorites, as they depict our beloved four-legged family members. As you can tell, I’m way behind on updating this blog. I apologize for that, and will work diligently to catch up. Thanks for viewing!
Hand-drawn Holiday Cards
Custom Holiday Cards
Every Christmas I draw custom cards in celebration of our four-legged family members. It's fun to give loved ones little original drawings. Here are a few examples from the last three years.
2016 cards...
2015 cards...
2014 cards...
Belle and Lily, Red Hook, NY 1-24-17
I always carry a small sketchbook which is dedicated to capturing little moments in time. I hope you enjoy these recent observations!
A quiet moment with my father in his living room. Buffalo, NY 1-29-17
At a writers-reading-benefit in Woodstock, NY, raising money for the ACLU. Planned Parenthood, Rverkeeper and others.
At Black Star Social, Red Hook, NY 11-05-16
My father reading the paper, Buffalo, NY 11-25-16