I haven't created a pet portrait in ages, but this cute fella is Charlie, drawn for a client in NYC.
If you’re interested in having a portrait created of your favorite four-legged friend, please write me!
Kanye West
The gifted hiphop artist Kanye West has found Christ. This portrait was drawn on a reproduction of Bernardino Gardino’s Ascension of the Lord.
This piece is part of my exhibit which will be up at the Starr Library in Rhinebeck, NY, February 1-29th. 15% of all proceeds go towards supporting this library. If you live locally (in the Mid-Hudson Valley), please check it out!
This Raven flies high in Baltimore. Here is my little tribute to NFL quarterback, Lamar Jackson. He is arguably the most dynamic and electrifying player on the field (and quite-likely the league MVP).
Signed prints of this piece are available here (in my Etsy shop).
Andy Warhol
I recently read an enlightening biography of Andy Warhol (Pop, by Tony Scherman and David Dalton). One unique aspect of his vision was that he saw little difference between art galleries and supermarkets. In other words, he saw art in even the most mundane aspects of American culture. With that in mind, I attempted drawing this little tribute to his genius.
Signed prints of this piece are available here (in my Etsy shop).
Hand-drawn Holiday Cards
Ihan Omar
From Somali refugee to fighter for human rights, she’s Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar.
Please visit my website to view more cool stuff.
Please check out my Etsy shop to purchase cool prints.
Homage to Chinatown
I drew this homage to a 1974 film (directed by Roman Polanski, and starring Jack Nicholson, which still haunts me to this day. Chinatown.
Prints of this piece are available here!
Nick Cave
Here's a portrait of legendary Australian musician, Nick Cave. This dark poet composes some of the most melancholy music on this mortal coil, yet, the results are sublimely beautiful. This is inspired by a series called World Tour - in which I use pages from an old atlas as canvases - painting images relating to the place on each map.
Signed prints of this piece are available here!
The Philippine Tarsier
The Philippine Tarsier is yet another endangered species on our fragile planet. These tiny primates (no taller than six inches) are under threat due to deforestation. Paradoxically, they are also protected by indigenous tribes of these islands. They believe tarsiers are the pets of forest spirits, and harming them would bring bad luck.
Please check out my Etsy shop to purchase signed prints of my work!
Greta Thunberg
Greta Thunberg sees the big picture. This 16 year old environmental activist understands that wishful capitalist fairytales will not heal our ailing planet. The collective cooperation, ingenuity, and sacrifice of our nations is essential to addressing this existential crisis.
You can purchase a signed print of this piece here (in my Etsy shop). 20% of proceeds from each sale will be donated to 350.org, a group which is working to end the age of fossil fuels and build a world of community-led renewable energy for all
The Wolf Man
On a recent visit to my local recycling center, I came across a mysterious book, Esoteric Astrology, which was published in 1913. It was filled with strange diagrams, as well as astrological charts of notable people. This portrait of the Wolf Man was sparked by a lunar consciousness chart.
Prints of this piece are available here!
King Edward VII
On a recent visit to my local recycling center, I came across a mysterious book, Esoteric Astrology, which was published in 1912. It was filled with strange diagrams, as well as astrological charts of notable people. Here’s a portrait of the former King of England, Edward VII, drawn on his birth chart. More to come soon!
Please visit my Etsy shop to view more interesting portraits (signed prints are available)!
Georges Sand
On a recent visit to my local recycling center, I came across a mysterious book, Esoteric Astrology, which was published in 1912. It was filled with strange diagrams, as well as astrological charts of notable people. Here’s a portrait of French novelist, Georges Sand, drawn on her birth chart. More to come soon!
Please visit my Etsy shop to view more interesting portraits (signed prints are available)!
Or visit my website to see more cool stuff!
A Travelog of Egypt
As an struggling artist, I rarely have the budget to travel across my state, let alone travel the world. With a lean wallet, I must satisfy my wanderlust through spiritual means, as opposed to physical means. I utilize maps as canvases in order explore other cultures. Here’s an imaginary travelog I created on a map of Egypt, incorporating animals, antiquities, and artifacts. I hope you enjoy it! And, If you don’t have the financial means to travel, I hope you can find a spiritual path to experience what other cultures offer!
Signed prints are available here in my Etsy shop!
The Sphinx
An Egyptian hyena and woman
An Egyptian aardvark
The full 1967 map of Egypt
Signed prints of this full version of the map are available here in my Etsy shop!
Thanks for visiting!
Lord Tennyson
On a recent visit to my local recycling center, I came across a mysterious book called Esoteric Astrology, which was well over 100 years old. It was filled with strange diagrams, as well as astrological charts of notable people. Here’s a portrait of the 19th Century poet laureate of England, Lord Tennyson
Please visit my Etsy shop to view more interesting portraits (signed prints are available)!
Frida Kahlo
Here's a drawing of an iconic artist known for her many magical self portraits. Frida was inspired by Mexico's rich history, culture, and natural elements, so it was an easy choice for me to depict her on this map.
Signed prints of this portrait are available in my Etsy Shop!
Honoré de Balzac
On a recent visit to my local recycling center, I came across a mysterious book, Esoteric Astrology, which was dated 1912. It was filled with strange diagrams, as well as astrological charts of notable people. Here’s a portrait of French novelist, Honoré de Balzac, drawn on his birth chart.
Please visit my Etsy shop to view more interesting portraits (signed prints are available)!
W.H. Auden
Here's a portrait of W.H. Auden, who is regarded as one of England's greatest poets. I drew him on a parking map of York, where he was born. Much like the roads depicted on this map, I imagine the lines on his face would lead us on some truly lyrical adventures.
To purchase signed prints of many of my portraits, please visit my Etsy Shop!
Indigenous peoples
I recently read a book called Sapiens, by Yuval Noah Harari. In it, one concept he discussed is how borders of countries are just artificial constructs. They don’t exist unless enough people are convinced that really they do exist. Looking at an old map of North America, I kept thinking of all the indigenous peoples inhabiting this space long before European colonization set in. From the Inuits, to the Cree, to the Hopi (and on and on), this is a little tribute to the native tribes of this land.
Prints of this piece are available here!
I Feel Pretty
This drawing was sparked by a piece of sheet music I found at my local recycling center. No doubt, West Side Story is one of the greatest musicals of time. This portrait portrays Maria (as played by Natalie Wood in the film version), who coveys this timeless song so beautifully. Dear viewer, I hope you're feeling pretty today:-)
Prints of this piece are available here!