From Somali refugee to fighter for human rights, she’s Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar.
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Indigenous peoples
I recently read a book called Sapiens, by Yuval Noah Harari. In it, one concept he discussed is how borders of countries are just artificial constructs. They don’t exist unless enough people are convinced that really they do exist. Looking at an old map of North America, I kept thinking of all the indigenous peoples inhabiting this space long before European colonization set in. From the Inuits, to the Cree, to the Hopi (and on and on), this is a little tribute to the native tribes of this land.
Prints of this piece are available here!
Walls are Un-American
Here's a little meditation on symbols. Without a doubt, the American bald eagle is a powerful representation of the freedom which America stands for. In contrast, the current U.S. president is glorifying the idea of building a "big beautiful wall", one which would run along our southern border with Mexico. To my mind, a project of such monumental proportion would create a different sort of symbol for the United States. I would argue that walls are completely incongruous with the freedom our country so proudly promotes.
Take Action!
Macalester College is an excellent liberal arts school located in St. Paul, Minnesota. They asked me to illustrate a story for their alumni magazine, addressing how we as citizens can make a difference in unsettling political times. Our actions can help affect society in a positive way. Thanks to art directer, Brian Donahue for this very timely assignment.
Organizing a protest can bring attention to important issues in society.
Writing a letter to the editor of your local newspaper can help change people's minds
Speaking directly to your elected representative can influence their thinking.
Joining a giving circle can direct donations to worthy causes.